The People's
Voice in
~ About Matthew Zachary ~
People Magazine hails Matthew Zachary as 'The People's Voice in Healthcare.' A 28-year brain cancer survivor, Matthew is an American advocate passionate about putting the patient at the center of every conversation, with a storied career spanning entertainment, advertising, marketing, nonprofit, digital health, public policy, life sciences, and broadcast media.

As Founder of the award-winning nonprofit Stupid Cancer, Matthew started the young adult cancer movement in 2007, where he hosted and produced 'The Stupid Cancer Show,' America's first healthcare talk radio show (before podcasts existed.)

Between his award-winning documentary, The Cancer Mavericks: A History of Survivorship, and his "Top-10" award-winning healthcare podcast Out of Patients, Matthew—whom some dub 'The Podfather of Healthcare'—is one of the country's most influential talents and visionary voices.
Matthew Zachary is the irreverent, informed friend you WISH you could talk to when the US healthcare system has you screaming or crying.
– Susannah Fox, Former CTO, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
~ Keynote Presentations ~
Fortune 500 companies and clients worldwide choose Matthew for his unapologetic authenticity, neurotic intellectualism, oddball theatricality, and mesmerizing talent. Matthew's unlikely lived experience—from social entrepreneur, visionary creative, and culture-shifting provocateur to patient advocate, nonprofit leader, concert pianist, cancer survivor, and incomparable storyteller—captivates and transforms audiences of all shapes and sizes.






~ Programs ~
"Resilience in the Face of Adversity:
A Journey of Surviving Cancer"

Matthew shares his remarkable journey of surviving pediatric brain cancer in this powerful and inspirational keynote speech, drawing from his personal experiences dating back to the mid 1990s. Matthew takes audiences on a profound and emotional exploration of the challenges and triumphs of battling this devastating disease, including real-world issues of the day, as he celebrates 28 years in remission.
"Navigating Nonprofits: Challenges, Rewards, and the Role of Nonprofit Leaders"

Matthew explore the multifaceted journey of starting, running, sustaining, and leading a nonprofit organization. Nonprofits play a crucial role in addressing social and community needs, but the path to success is fraught with rewards and pitfalls. We'll delve into the challenges nonprofit leaders face, the importance of community building, and the inspirational impact they can have on their communities.
"Empathetic Consumerism in Healthcare:
The Death of The Impression"

Healthcare is fraught with increasing demand for more authentic engagement, with a delicate balance sitting between abysmally low patient trust and well-intended—but often empathy-deficient—marketing and communication initiatives. Matthew deconstructs these complex dynamics and their impact on the stakeholder relationships, with a sprinkle of strategy on a solution hiding in plain sight.
"The Art & Business of Podcasting:
Does Anyone Care What You Have To Say?"

Matthew presents a masterclass in podcasting, a medium that has rapidly evolved from a niche hobby to a mainstream communications platform. But is it worth it? His perspective takes audiences through a historical, cultural, anthropological, and societal journey through the art and theater of audio and the known and unknown pros and cons that come with defining goals and success in this content frontier.
~ Watch Matthew Zachary on Stage ~
"Hello, Walgreens!" "Why I Declined Chemo"
"We The Patients" "The Atlantic Cancer Stories""
"Matthew should be on everyone's list of the top ten celebrity speakers in healthcare. He is engaging, inspirational, personable, hysterical, and very, very real."
– Stonybrook University Cancer Center
~ Clients, Partners & Friends ~
"Matthew spoke at our Specialty Summit and his story, expertise, and comedic Gen-X bent brought an entire audience of executives to tears, cheers, and back again."
– Magellan Rx Management
~ Podcast and Documentary Series ~
Out of Patients with Matthew Zachary

Out of Patients is an acclaimed no-BS show about making healthcare suck less. Each week, MZ and his guests sardonically deconstruct endless shenanigans in terms that normal humans can understand, along with a healthy dose of 80s nostalgia and random pop culture references.
Out of Patients with Matthew Zachary

Attention narrative history junkies! Did you know the Black Panthers were breast cancer advocates and that a $250K full-page ad in the NY Times shamed President Nixon into giving a damn about cancer? Learn how 50 years of advocacy shaped today's narrative on the US healthcare system.
"My doctor may have cured me,
but Stupid Cancer saved my life."
– Jessica M.
"It is because of you that I found out about
surrogacy and now have a happy, healthy daughter."
– Karen M.
"You were the first to show me that you
can do more than just survive.”
– Kelly P.
~ Sizzle Reel ~
Agent: Ben Press  //  Benjpress66@gmail.com
Copyright @2024 Matthew Zachary Worldwide • All rights reserved • Photo Credit: B-Freed Photography